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Media Contest - Moderation
Updated yesterday

The Photo Contest, Video Contest and Text Contest are mechanisms that allow participants to post images, texts and videos in a gallery that can be viewed by everyone, as well as to vote and post comments on the media of their choice.

Fan's Choice Photo and Fan's Choice Video are mechanisms that allow participants to vote and comment on the media(s) posted by the campaign organiser.

On the campaign organiser side: the Socialshaker platform makes it very easy for you to moderate this content. You can also moderate the comments posted by participants under the media. Let's take a look at the various stages involved in moderating the content posted on your game.

✍️ Please note that your game may have participants but no media or comments posted. A participant may validate their participation, i.e. validate the form, and then do nothing. This may explain the difference between the number of participants in your game and the number of media collected.

Whether or not to activate ‘a priori’ moderation

Moderation can be activated ‘a priori’, i.e. activated by default. If this is the case, the media posted by participants will not be visible in the gallery until the organiser has validated them, i.e. made them visible. We'll look at how to moderate media and therefore how to make them visible (or leave them hidden) in point 2.

If moderation is deactivated on your campaign, the media posted by the participants will be immediately visible in the gallery, once posted. The game organiser can then moderate the media ‘a posteriori’. We'll see how in point 2. To activate or deactivate ‘a priori’ moderation, go to the ‘Mechanics’ > ‘General settings’ section of your campaign.

Media moderation

To moderate the media posted on your campaign, go to ‘Mechanics’ > ‘Moderation’.

Here you'll find the full list of media posted to your campaign gallery, the status of each media item (visible or hidden), as well as the url of the media item, the date it was sent, the number of votes collected, etc. Then click on ‘Action’ on the media of your choice and select ‘Hide’ to hide the visible media, or ‘Make visible’ to display the hidden media in the gallery.

⚠️ Warning: if a media item has the status ‘hidden’, it will not appear in the media export.

Comments moderation

The platform allows you to moderate the comments posted under the various media.

✍️ Please note: the platform does not allow you to deactivate the ‘Comments’ section under the media.

Photo Contest, Video Contest and Text Contest

Comments are moderated in ‘Mechanics’ > ‘Moderation’. Click on ‘Action’ on the media you wish to moderate, then click on ‘Moderate comments’. The list of comments posted under this media will then appear. Click on the red cross to delete the comment of your choice.

Fan's Choice Photo and Fan's Choice Video

Comments are moderated in ‘Mechanics’ > ‘Upload images’ (or videos). Click on ‘Action’ on the media you wish to moderate, then click on ‘Moderate comments’. The list of comments posted under this media will then appear. Click on the red cross to delete the comment of your choice.

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