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The emailing module
Updated over 2 months ago


The Emailing module lets you send personalised emails to participants in your game campaigns. You can configure these emails to meet a variety of needs: thanking participants after they have registered, confirming that they have won a reward by Instant-Win or random draw, or announcing a new game campaign to encourage virality. To increase your sending capacity, you can purchase additional email packs directly online.

The Emailing module is only available for Professional and Advanced subscriptions.

Select a trigger

You can choose the trigger for sending the email according to your objective. For each trigger, you can select the desired campaign, text and email rendering. List of available triggers :

  • Send an email the first time someone registers on the entry form

  • Send an email to participants in a previous campaign

  • Send an email to winning participants who have been drawn at random

  • Send an email to participants who win by Instant Win

Each emailing campaign can use a single trigger. It is not possible to combine several triggers for a single emailing campaign. However, it is possible to create several emailings for the same campaign.

Email pack prices

The emailing module is based on a pack system. Buy a pack of emails to suit your needs. This pack has no end date and can be used until it runs out, as long as you have an active subscription. Packs can be added together, increasing your total quota of available emails.

  • 10,000 emails pack - €180 excluding VAT

  • 25,000 emails pack - €400 excluding VAT

  • 50,000 emails pack - €700 excluding VAT

  • 100,000 emails pack - €1200 excluding VAT

How the email counter works

  • The email counter drops when participants meet the trigger conditions configured in the Emailing module.

  • Entries made in Preview mode (when you test your marketing campaign during set-up) are taken into account when sending emails in your Emailing campaign.

  • Test emails sent to check your Emailing campaign are also deducted from your email counter.

✍️ Note: If you have any Emailing Packs left when you cancel your subscription, they will be paused. You will be able to benefit from them again if you take out a Professional or Advanced subscription in the future.

Emailing Setup

  • Name of the emailing campaign

  • Sender (the email address that is sending)

  • Email subject (150 characters max.)

You can edit the content of the emailing in text format using the WYSIWYG widget or copy/paste an email template in HTML code. You can also send a test email to see how it looks before sending it.

Here are the variables you can use in your emailing:

  • %user_firstname%: participant's first name

  • %user_lastname%: participant's last name

For instant win games only:

  • %reward_name%: name of the reward

  • %reward_picture%: image of the reward

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