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Set up a Coupons mechanism

Participants fill in a form and are then free to choose the coupons of their choice.

Updated over 4 months ago


Offer discount coupons to your audience. It's very simple to take part: participants fill in a form and choose the discount coupon of their choice.

Test this mechanism and download the documentation (assets, psd templates, renderings).


To find out more about the very first steps in creating a campaign, we recommend that you start with the following article: General guide to a marketing campaign.

The Coupons mechanism consists of the following sections

  • Settings: to determine the general parameters of your campaign.

  • Home screen: to import the legal documentation for your game (rules, privacy policy, etc.) and set the parameters for the home page.

  • Registration form: to choose the fields for your form and set its design parameters.

  • Concept: to define the parameters of the game and its design.

  • Publication: to activate and distribute your campaign to your audience.

To see the different options available for each section, we recommend that you read the articles associated with them.


Before getting started, we recommend that you read this article, which explains the basics of creating graphics on Socialshaker: Creating the graphics for your campaign. As with all the other mechanics, you have the choice of using the templates provided or importing your own template. If you choose the latter option, you will need to create the following elements for this mechanic:

  • Campaign background (1920x1080px recommended).

  • Desktop home page background (810x700px recommended) and Mobile home page background (480×710px recommended).

  • Desktop (810x700px recommended) and Mobile (480×710px recommended) form page background.

  • Game page background (810x700px recommended) - no Mobile image for this background, it will be resized automatically.

  • Coupon image (810x700px recommended)

Note that you can use the campaign background as the default background for all pages on Mobile by checking the appropriate box .


Here you can upload your various coupons (810x700px recommended). There is a maximum limit of 10 coupons:

You will find the list of your coupons just below. You can view and modify the coupon by clicking on the ‘Actions’ button. You can also view the pdf of the coupon by clicking on the associated link.


In this section, you can customise the background image of the photo gallery and the associated editorial content.

Coupon theme

This page is displayed once the participant has selected the coupon of their choice. The background image and editorial content can be customised. The ‘Download PDF’ and ‘Back to offers’ buttons can also be customised:

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