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Edit an optional description (HTML)
Updated over a month ago

Here's how to customise the optional description in HTML, which allows you to integrate various elements such as images, videos and GIFs, and change the colour of the text.

Customise the optional description

1. Go to the HTML section: Click on the < > button to enter the HTML customisation section for the optional description.

2. Choose the elements you want: Select the elements you want to display (text, image, video, etc.).

3. Modify the HTML code: Use the HTML code to display your elements

Examples of HTML code

Integrate text

To customise the optional description with a text colour, bold and a specific size, use the following code:

<p style=‘color: #000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px;’>
Your entry for the Mondial de l'Automobile 2016 will be sent to you by post as soon as possible.</p>
  1. color: #000;: Defines the text colour (black in this example).

  2. font-weight: bold;: Makes the text bold.

  3. font-size: 20px;: Sets the text size to 20 pixels.

Integrate an image

To customise the optional HTML description by integrating an image, you can use the following code :

<img src=‘URL_of_your_image’ alt=‘Image description’>
  1. src="URL_of_your_image ’: Replace URL_of_your_image with the URL where your image is hosted.

  2. alt="Image description ’: Provides a description of the image which will be displayed if the image cannot be loaded.


If the optional description you have set does not appear, it may be white by default. So make sure you assign it a colour via the HTML code to make it visible.

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