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Share your game campaign on social networks
Updated over 3 months ago

If you want to maximise the visibility of your campaign, share buttons are essential to achieving this objective. Socialshaker offers you around twenty social networks on which you can create shares:

Example of sharing via the Facebook button:

Enable share buttons

In your campaign, go to ‘Concept’ > ‘Shares’:

Activate the sharing step:

List of the available page configuration options:

  • Share Access Button: Sets the text and style of the share access button (e.g., "Share").

  • Social Networks Text: Customizes the default text displayed when sharing

  • Social Networks Description: Adds a description for social shares

  • Social Networks Image: Allows uploading an image for sharing (recommended size: 1200×630px).

  • Share Buttons - Desktop & Mobile: Provides sharing options for both desktop and mobile (e.g., X, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).

  • Share Buttons - Mobile Only: Configures additional sharing options specifically for mobile (e.g., Facebook Messenger, SMS).

How can I track sharing statistics?

You can use the ‘ Total Godsons’ column to find out whichparticipants have brought you new subscribers. If this column contains ‘1’, then that participant has brought you 1 subscriber:

You can also see the number of visitors to your campaign coming from social networks. To do this, click on ‘Actions’ in the menu for your marketing campaigns and select ‘Analyze’. The "Social networks ’ graph will show you the distribution of your visitors:

Frequently asked questions

What should I do if my share image is not displayed?

Social networks use a ‘cache’ system that stores the latest information about a URL link to enable it to be displayed more quickly the next time it is shared. In some cases, this prevents new, updated data from being displayed. To remedy this problem, you need to use a sharing debugging tool that will update the latest metadata for your link.

Here are the direct links:

Can I only share my game with a url link?

Of course you can! You can distribute your game by sending the ‘microsite’ url link present in the ‘Installation “ section of your campaign or by activating the ”Text link’ sharing button, available in the list of activatable buttons.

What if I don't want to create social shares?

Deactivate the sharing option in the ‘Shares’ section of your campaign.

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