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The "Settings" section
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The Settings section is the first step in setting up each campaign, and is compulsory before you can access the other stages of this mechanic. This first stage concerns the structural elements that are not visible to players, but which are fundamental to the smooth running of your game. You will be able to make the following settings (some settings are not available with all subscriptions, see our pricing page):

Template management

You can change the graphic template of your campaign at any time: either by selecting one of those available in our menu, or by importing your own creation.

⚠️ Warning: importing a template into a campaign that has already started will replace all the graphic assets that have already been installed.

Campaign Background

You need to select the campaign's font, colour and background image (this visual is used on all the game's pages, in the background). We recommend 1920x1080px. More details in this article. For your information, colour-pickers manage transparency.

To ensure that only the campaign background set in Settings appears on mobile devices, tick the ‘Only display campaign background on mobile devices’ box . This means that only the background image common to all pages will be visible on mobile, without any specific page skin. This feature is useful if the skin images are not adapted to the mobile version, or for a ‘Game’ page background where we consider that the game itself should take up all the space on the screen, making a dedicated background image superfluous.

If your personalised mobile background is not displayed when broadcast, make sure this box is unchecked.

Editorial content

This setting allows you to customise the name of your campaign (visible only to you) and the description of your campaign (visible only to you).


This section allows you to set advanced data for your campaign.

  • Campaign time zone

  • Google Analytics ID (if you want to link the campaign to your analytics tool to track a certain number of game-related metrics) - Only available for Expert subscriptions.

  • Tracking (if you want to link the campaign to your ads analytics tool, to track ads-related data via the addition of a Google Tag Manager code, a conversion pixel, etc.)

  • Geo-blocking (to be activated if you want your campaign to be accessible only in the country/countries of your choice)

Campaign period

Define the campaign broadcast period, the campaign start and end dates. Any participant connecting outside this period will see a message telling them either to come back later or that the campaign has ended.


Activate the language(s) of your choice. If several languages are activated, the settings will have to be made for each language in each stage and you will also have to define the default language (which will be displayed if the participant's browser is not in any of the languages you have set up).

Each participant is also free to change to the language of their choice.


Activate sponsorship if you want your campaign to go viral. Find out more. Click on the Validate button to access the next steps. Once the Settings stage has been validated, you have the option of setting all the other stages in the desired order or following the order in which the game is displayed.

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