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Set up a Chronoquiz mechanism
Updated over 3 months ago


Launch a Chronoquiz in the form of multiple-choice questions. Your fans have to answer the questions correctly. The higher the score obtained (1 correct answer = 1 point), the more chance the player has of being drawn. To make answering the questions easier, you can add a clickable ‘Hint’ button to your YouTube videos or website.

✍️ Note: there are other ‘Quiz’-type mechanics:

  • The Psychoquiz offers a personality test, where each answer is linked to a profile.

  • The Quiz allows a draw to be made from all the answers given to the questions by the participants.

  • The Openquiz allows your prospects/customers to put forward their ideas, opinions and views using open-ended answers.

Test this mechanism and download the documentation (assets, psd templates, renderings).

Configuration stages

Chronoquiz consists of the following sections:

  • Settings: to determine the general parameters of your campaign.

  • Home screen: to import the legal documentation for your game (rules, privacy policy, etc.) and configure the home page.

  • Registration form: to choose the fields for your form and set its design parameters.

  • Concept: to define the parameters of the game and its design, export the entries and manage the monitoring of your campaign (limits, random draw, etc.). This article will focus on this section in particular.

  • Results: to customise the end-of-campaign pages according to the participant's score.

  • Publication: to activate and distribute your campaign to your audience.

To see the different options available for each section, we recommend that you read the articles associated with them.

Chronoquiz design

Before getting started, we recommend that you read this article, which explains the basics of creating graphics on Socialshaker: Creating the graphics for your campaign. As with all the other mechanics, you can choose between using the templates provided or importing your own template.

If you choose the latter option, you will need to create the following elements for this mechanic:

  • Campaign background (1920x1080px recommended).

  • Desktop home page background (810x700px recommended) and Mobile home page background (480×710px recommended).

  • Desktop (810x700px recommended) and Mobile (480×710px recommended) form page background.

  • Game page background (810x700px recommended) - no Mobile image for this background, it will be resized automatically.

  • Image for sharing on social networks (1200x630px recommended).

Note that you can use the campaign background as the default background for all pages on Mobile by checking the appropriate box:

Setting up a Chronoquiz (‘Concept’ section)


This module allows you to add questions and answers for your Chronoquiz.

Indicate the number of questions you wish to generate and confirm by clicking on the ‘Add questions’ button. In ‘List of questions’, you can easily change the order in which they appear in the game using drag&drop:

You can configure the answers to your questions by clicking on the "Actions “ and ”Set Up ’ buttons:

​You can illustrate your question with an image or a video. You can also activate the hint button and add a link so that the participant is redirected to a site by clicking on it. You can also choose how the answers will be displayed: list format or mosaic format.

Finally, decide on the type of response (text, image, video). If you wish, you can activate multiple responses. When configuring the answers, you can decide to have several possible correct answers, for example.

You can delete all the questions by clicking on ‘Delete all’ or delete them one by one. To do this, click on the ‘actions’ button and then ‘delete’.


This module lets you import game backgrounds and customise the rendering of your texts and buttons.

The game background is imported in the ‘Page design’ section. Only the Desktop background can be uploaded, and it will be resized to display on Mobile as well. If you wish, you can force the display of your campaign background for the Mobile version - this operation is carried out in the Settings section of your campaign.

You can also change the look of your questions and answers. The font for your campaign can be determined in the 'Settings' section, under ‘Campaign skin’.

Setting the Hint button

The ‘Hint’ button allows players to get help with each question during the game. You first need to determine the URL link of the game help (usually a photo or an article on your website) in the ‘Questions’ module, via Actions’ > ‘Configure’ : You can choose its appearance by default and on hover in ‘Replay button’.

Setting the ‘Play again’ button

The ‘Replay’ button allows players to improve their score by replaying as many times as they like. You can choose its appearance by default and on hover in ‘Replay button’.

Setting the time limit

Set the time limit for the Chronoquiz. The player must complete the game and answer the questions within this time limit.


To find out how to share a Chronoquiz on social networks, we recommend you read this article: Share your game on social networks.

Random drawing

A random draw is used to determine the winners of your game campaign. To find out how to draw lots for a Quiz and what criteria are taken into account, we recommend that you read this article.


By default, each participant can play as much as they like in the campaign. To set up game limits, click on "Limit type ’ and choose one of the following options:

  • limit per day

  • limit by campaign

  • limit by IP

You must then enter a number corresponding to the desired limit - don't forget to change it in the text that will be displayed to the participant if they reach this limit.

It is also possible to limit the maximum number of participants in a Chronoquiz campaign. Set this number in the "Limit on total entries ’ field - you can also change the text that will be displayed to all participants who try to play after this limit has been reached.

Data export

You can export 2 types of file containing participant data:

  • Participant export: includes the data of all participants in your campaign. You'll find this either in the ‘List of participants “ module in the ”Mechanics’ section, or via the ‘Export and Tracking “ choice in the ”Actions’ button for your campaign in the Dashboard.

  • Newsletter participants export: includes only the data of subscribers to your newsletter if you have activated this field on the form. You'll find this via the "Export and Tracking “ option of your campaign's ”Actions ’ button in the Dashboard.

Exporting participants' answers to your Chronoquiz is a paying option - please contact us if you wish to activate it.


Is it possible to display the correct answers once the participant has responded?

It is not currently possible to display the correct answers. However, this will make your campaign more replayable.

What is the maximum number of questions? How many answers per question?

You are limited to 5 answers per question, but there is no limit to the number of questions.

How can I find out how long it takes participants to answer a question?

This information is not collected.

How can I modify my campaign once it has been activated?

You can, of course, modify your campaign at any time - simply make the desired changes and confirm them using the ‘Validate’ button at the bottom of the page.

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