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Set up an Instant Scratch mechanism
Updated over 2 months ago


Launch a competition in the form of an Instant Scratch mechanic. To win, the player must land on a winning square. The result, win or lose, is displayed directly on the screen. This game is very popular, enabling you to boost traffic on your various channels. You can personalise the game in your own colours, highlighting your world or the rewards via the scratch box and the win/lose images behind the box.

Test this mechanism and download the documentation (assets, psd templates, renderings).

Configuration stages

To find out more about the very first steps in creating a campaign, we recommend that you start with the following article: General guide to a marketing campaign.

Instant Scratch consists of the following sections:

  • Settings: to determine the general parameters of your campaign.

  • Home screen: to import the legal documentation for your game (rules, privacy policy, etc.) and set the parameters for the home page.

  • Registration form: to choose the fields for your form and set its design parameters.

  • Concept: to define the parameters of the game and its design.

  • Publication: to activate and distribute your campaign to your audience.

To see the different options available for each section, we recommend that you read the articles associated with them.

Instant Scratch design

Before getting started, we recommend that you read this article, which explains the basics of creating graphics on Socialshaker: Creating the graphics for your campaign. As with all the other mechanics, you can choose between using the templates provided or importing your own template.

If you choose the latter option, you will need to create the following elements for this mechanic:

  • Campaign background (1920x1080px recommended).

  • Desktop home page background (810x700px recommended) and Mobile home page background (480×710px recommended).

  • Desktop (810x700px recommended) and Mobile (480×710px recommended) form page background.

  • Game page background (810x700px recommended) - no Mobile image for this background, it will be resized automatically.

  • Scratch images: 620x620px

  • Image for sharing on social networks (810x700px recommended).

Note that you can use the campaign background as the default background for all pages on Mobile by ticking the appropriate box :

Mechanism set up (Concept tab)


Instant Scratch works with the Instant Win system. In order to make people win rewards instantly during your campaign, you must first set the parameters. To find out more about how to set up Instant Win rewards, we recommend that you read this article.


This module lets you import game backgrounds, customise the rendering of your texts and buttons, and customise the scratch and win images.

How do I import my backgrounds?

The game background is imported in the ‘Page design’ section. Only the Desktop background can be uploaded, and it will be resized to display on Mobile as well. If you wish, you can force the display of your campaign background for the Mobile version - this operation is carried out in the "Configuration ’ section of your campaign.

How do I customise the Instant Scratch?

  • Customise the scratch image. It appears once the form has been completed, and is common to all participants. Recommended dimensions: 620x620px (.png, .jpeg or .gif)

  • Next, customise the ‘lost’ and ‘won’ scratch-off images, still in the Theme section. Recommended dimensions: 620x620px (.png, .jpeg or .gif)


To find out how to share your Instant Scratch game on social networks, we recommend you read this article: Share your game on social networks.


To find out how to set one or more restrictions on your game, we recommend you read this article: How can I restrict access to my campaign?

Data export

You can export 2 types of file containing participation data:

  • The participants export: includes the data of all participants in your campaign. To find out more, we recommend you read this article: Exporting data.

  • Winners export: includes information about the participant, the date and time they won the reward, and the corresponding reward won. This list can be found in the ‘Mechanics’ > ‘Instant’ > ‘Winner export’ section.


You need to set the text and visuals of the Desktop and Mobile backgrounds for the two pages Won and Lost. You can also create one or more action buttons, with redirections to a merchant site for example.

Winner page

This page displays a title set in ‘Results’ > ‘Won page’, then the image of the reward (set for each reward in the ‘Instant’ section) and the name of the reward (also set for each reward in the ‘Instant’ section) won by the player.

⚠️ Important: To test a winning instant and see how the ‘won’ page looks, we invite you to set up a test instant from the ‘Mechanics’ > ‘Instant’ section using classic generation (generate a single instant, on the dates and times of the test). Then test using the preview. Here is an example of how the ‘won’ page looks:

Loser page

This page is the destination page for all players who have not won a reward. You can set the message you want (it will be the same for everyone). It can be a ‘you lost’ message, with or without a consolation reward (e.g. a discount code).


How can I modify my campaign once it has been activated?

You can, of course, modify your campaign at any time - simply make the changes you want and confirm them using the ‘Validate’ button at the bottom of the page.

How do I know if the rewards have been won?

While the game is online, you can follow the progress of the winners. In the Mechanics > Instants section, you'll find an icon (trophy) next to each instant:

  • If the trophy is green, the moment has been won:

  • If the trophy is grey, the moment has not been won:

If the date and time of the instant have passed, you can put the instant (and therefore the reward) back into play using the Action > Configure button.

How do I create a 100% winning Instant Scratch?

The platform does not allow you to set up a 100% winning instant, as the mechanics are not adapted for this. A winning instant corresponds to an interval of time, and the first person to connect within this interval wins the instant.

But here's an alternative for your project:

  • If you wish, you can start by setting up rewards (larger rewards, for example) via the ‘Winning moments’ module.

  • Secondly, for the consolation reward (e.g. a discount voucher), you can set up the ‘Lost’ page. In fact, all the people who don't win the large reward will go to the ‘you lost’ page, where you can set up a message like ‘you won a discount voucher’. NB: all ‘losers’ will have the same message and therefore the same consolation reward.

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