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Setting up a Tap Tap Mechanic
Updated over a week ago


Launch a Tap Tap competition where players click on as many falling elements as possible to obtain the highest score. You can organise a final draw to reward all the players, or export the scores to reward the best scores.

The configuration stages

To find out more about the very first steps in creating a campaign, we recommend that you start with the following article: General guide to a marketing campaign.

The Tap Tap is made up of the following sections

  • Configuration: to determine the general parameters of your campaign.

  • Home: to import the legal documentation for your game (rules, privacy policy, etc.) and set the parameters for the home page.

  • Form: to choose the fields for your form and set its design parameters.

  • Mechanics: to define the parameters of the game and its design. This article will focus on this section in particular.

  • Publication: to activate and distribute your campaign to your audience.

To see the different options available for each section, we recommend that you read the articles associated with them.

Creating a Tap Tap design

Before getting started, we recommend that you read this article, which explains the basics of creating graphics on Socialshaker: Creating the graphics for your campaign. As with all the other mechanics, you can choose between using the templates provided or importing your own template.

If you choose the latter option, you will need to create the following elements for this mechanic:

  • Campaign background (1920x1080px recommended).

  • Desktop homepage skin (810x700px recommended) and Mobile homepage skin (480×710px recommended).

  • Desktop (810x700px recommended) and Mobile (480×710px recommended) form page skin.

  • Game page skin (810x700px recommended) - no Mobile image for this background, it will be resized automatically.

  • Image for sharing on social networks (1200x630px recommended).

Note that you can use the campaign background as the default background for all pages on Mobile by checking the appropriate box:

Setting a Tap Tap (‘Mechanics’ section)

Theme Introduction’ settings

This step allows you to set up the page displaying the rules of the game. This step takes place before the game and after the form, in your campaign. First of all, set up the layout of the page, in the classic way, as for the other stages of the game.

Here's how to set up the game rules image:

The Tap Tap game rules image is an image that you have to create yourself using the template already integrated into the platform, then host on your side.

NB: if you don't know how to host your image, don't hesitate to contact us.

Then enter its URL as follows: <img src=‘https://urldevotreimage.png’>

If the URL for your image is entered correctly and the image does not appear in the preview of your game, there is a problem in the HTML code you have previously set up. Check that your code does not contain any excess elements of the =‘’ type. If it does, delete them and test again.

Result theme’ settings

This step allows you to set up the page that displays the scoreboard at the end of the game. This step takes place just after the game itself. It is the last screen visible to the player.

Start by setting the page layout, in the same way as for the other stages of the game.

Then set up the following elements in this stage:

  • set the graphic rendering of the scoreboard

  • Activate or deactivate a ‘Replay’ button to encourage players to improve their score (NB: only the best score is exported).

  • configure a custom button to redirect participants to the content of your choice (your website, for example).

If you want to display the score in text form, as in this example :

We invite you to go to the section ‘Editorial content’ > ‘Description rendering’ then add the following code in the <> :

<p>You got a score of:[score]. You can play again to improve your score.

Game theme’ settings

This step allows you to set up the page that displays the game itself (falling objects). This step takes place just after the form and just before the score table. Start by setting the page layout, in the same way as for the other stages of the game.

Then set the following elements:

  • Timer and score colour (font colour)

  • Images of falling objects (between 60x60px and 80x80px max): 5 objects, 3 bonuses or malus (your choice)

  • Value of each falling object

  • Colour of the score and the explosion of the object when you click on it during the game to catch it


To find out how to organise the sharing of a quiz on social networks, we recommend you read this article: Sharing your game on social networks.


To find out how to set one or more limits on your game, we recommend you read this article: How can I limit access to my campaign?

Random draw

The random draw is used to determine the winners of your game campaign. It is based on all the participants, regardless of their score. To find out how to draw lots on a Tap Tap, we recommend that you read this article: Drawing lots

⚠️ Important: if you want to draw on the best scores only, you need to export the list of scores (see next section) and carry out the draw yourself.


You can export 3 types of file containing participation data:

  • Participants export: includes the data of all the participants in your campaign. To find out more, we recommend you read this article: Exporting data.

  • Exporting prize draw winners : to find out where to retrieve the prize draw winners, we recommend you read this article: The prize draw.

  • Exporting scores: download the list of participants with their scores from the ‘Mechanics’ > ‘List of participants’ section.

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